6401 Congress Ave Suite 205, Boca Raton, FL 33487

What Are Key Differences Between Non- Recourse Advance and Recourse Advances?

What Are Key Differences Between Non- Recourse Advance and Recourse Advances?

Normally, with loans they require collateral, meaning your property, car, credit, bank account, and more would be used to ensure the repayment of your loan. A non-recourse advance is an advance that will not require you to have to jeopardize any of your assets. With a non-recourse advance, the funding company does not get paid until your case has settled or you have won your case. You are not personally liable for making the payment.

Is a Non-Recourse Advance Right For You?

Non-recourse advances are beneficial to people waiting for their settlements because you will have the safety of knowing that you are not required to make any payments out of pocket or in any other way. Payment is only collected once case has been settled or won. If your case is lost or unsuccessful, you will NOT be required to make any sort of pay back.

What Do I Need to Qualify For A Non-Recourse Advance?

Another advantage of our non-recourse funding is that your legal case is the only variable that goes into play when evaluating your application. We do not look at any credit history or scores, which frequently can be an issue with most other types of advances. We also do not require to know your income nor do we need any proof of your income. All you need is to be fighting a case or waiting for your settlement check.

Do You Need Money Now?

You don’t need to fall behind on payments or bills while waiting for your settlement funds. Our nonrecourse advances are a great way to make sure you are able to be up to date with your financial responsibilities. Our approval process is quick and easy and only takes 24-48 hours.

Guide To Pre Settlement Funding
Pre-Settlement Funding

Guide To Pre-Settlement Funding

If you’re in the midst of a legal battle and need financial support, a settlement loan could be a viable option. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about settlement loans, from what they are to how you can get one. What is a Settlement Loan?

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Lawsuit Loan
Lawsuit Loans

Things to Consider Before Applying for a Lawsuit Loan

Facing a legal battle can be emotionally and financially taxing, especially when waiting for a settlement. In such situations, lawsuit loans, also known as pre-settlement funding, offer a lifeline by providing immediate cash advances against anticipated lawsuit settlements. However, before diving into the process of obtaining a lawsuit loan, it’s

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Pre-Settlement Funding
Pre-Settlement Funding

Benefits of Pre-Settlement Funding

The legal process can be a lengthy and arduous journey, especially for those awaiting a settlement for a personal injury lawsuit. Bills and expenses don’t wait, and the financial strain can become overwhelming. In such situations, pre-settlement funding emerges as a lifeline for individuals, offering a myriad of benefits that

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